Friday, December 24, 2010


First, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and all that stuff.

Alright, this is sort of old news, but there's some fanart for OMS that can be found here and here. Does it count if Breland is a friend of mine and awesome, or that MihoshiK is some kind of badass for commissioning a piece from jaggyd? I totally like to think it does.

Picked up Monster Hunter 3 the other day, but I haven't had a chance to play it much yet, though what I did play through was pretty neat; I'm still too busy working with New Vegas and being distracted by City of Heroes. I'm also trying to use the time that everyone's on break and there's a lull in tabletop gaming as folks go see their families to get caught up with my buffer. I've been doing two pages a day for this last week. While I haven't gotten back to the buffer I used to have, I'm at least into February with the pages.

I've been reading over Fantasy Craft lately, and it looks like a lot of fun. I was thinking about seeing if I can't take the setting of Ten-Ghost, wind the clock back a couple hundred years, and bang and smash the rules into working and running some local folks through an advencha! or two. I'm totally going to write up a Path of Ether and also use family names and guardian spirits as alignments.

In other news, I've since moved to using three-dimensional models to represent time and plot threads in OMS, since I couldn't make one on paper without it looking like a total mess. Also, after a discussion about gravity, photons, neutrinos (and the dark matter properties thereof), the dual aperture experiment, and quantum cascade lasers, I realize that if the Higgs Boson exists, I owe somebody five bucks. Take that as you will.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Finding Things on the Internets

A time ago (I don't exactly remember how long ago; years, at least four years), I had created a supernatural critter to fill a gap in a World of Darkness game I was running, more specifically to create a single villain with which to plague and creep out my players. I threw what little material I'd crapped out over the course of the weekend up on a geocities site and thought nothing of it (and when geocities faded away, I let it, too, fade away).

I discovered some time later through my deviantart account that at least some people had heard of or read it. This came as a surprise to me, since I had hoped, when I got some time, to tighten it up, discard the elements I didn't like, and get to work on it again, but time got in the way, and more fruitful projects kept lining up (and I don't run or play WoD anymore due to the ridiculous prep time horror games normally require).

Then, this afternoon, a friend sent me a message that he found a forum thread on tvtropes about it, and even a tropes page. Strangely enough, the OP even mentions the presence of paedomorphosis being odd or out there, which I agree with, and was even going to remove at one point, but left it in because I'm eminently lazy. Actually, I agree with nearly all the complaints, interestingly enough, and totally endorse the public gutting of the material.

This on the heels of an e-mail about a review of OMS that's appeared in the Innsmouth Free Press, which you can find here. I haven't read it yet, I'm scared to, but I like to pretend it's probably totally awesome, and I'll read it at some point when I've got myself all mentally prepared for it.

In other news, I've got the ISBN, front matter, and a pdf of the interior contents of Ten-Ghost, and it's all looking excellent. There's maybe a sentence or two I'd like to change, but it's a bit late now, and they're no big deal, really.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Happy Fun Think Time Go

It's not that the Mythos is so often "dumbed down" to be made fun of should be worrisome. It's that the very idea that our modern society can make fun of the idea of an uncaring, nihilistic universe and doesn't have to dumb any part of it down that should be worrisome.

It means we're closer in mindset to the horrible things that lurk in the Mythos than we realize.

Think about this: what do you do as part of your daily life that would be considered impossible, madness-inducing, or cult behavior to someone from the 20s, who'd never heard of a supersonic jet, driven faster than 10 miles an hour, or couldn't even conceive of the notion of m-theory without being driven to fits of disbelief? How many video games, starting with the ever so innocuous A Link to the Past, have taught you to think in four or more dimensions? The very notion of the internet or a flash mob is frightening to contemplate under these circumstances.

Things to think about.